Michael 22nd April 2024

Found in one of Gill's notebooks, I feel it describes her last journey. :=...... At the top of the mountain. Gentleman in a white coat, short and stocky. Mum in a white coat. An eagle on my arm, not heavy or hurting my arm with his claws. Mum and Dr. are going to help me with my healing work for myself. My healing must come from my heart and mind. Eagle and Mum and Doctor stood by me. Huge peace around me, very powerful. Felt I was folded inside myself, felt levitation. Slight pain in my left side, one release of tears. From this moment I will never be the same. Told to balance mind, body and spirit, blend all the energies in balance. Saw red, folded in on myself, pain right side. All about balance. Self healing, hands pulsing. Stomach chakra. Purple, turquoise. Hot hands. Man by my side. Loud, scary, but calmed by healing. Spent time with my family and Blue Bear. Beautiful, Calming energy. Gentle but strong - Blue Bear helped. Very peaceful. Warm hands. Pain in side gone.